The complete package for

SAT/ACT tutors

For the last 20(ish) years I’ve been producing my own SAT/ACT prep content, including workbooks, practice tests, and instructional videos. Originally as “DVDsForTheSATs” and then “SATTutorInABox,” my hundreds of videos have been used by thousands of students to expand their test-taking toolkit since the days of pre-Youtube gone by.

My latest creation, Tools4TestPrep, is a comprehensive program designed to be used by other tutors and education centers around the world to help better prepare their students. Pre-launch, the program underwent numerous rounds of revision incorporating feedback from several other professional tutors, and with over 700 students having used it to successfully prep, its efficacy is robust and proven!

An excerpt from the more than 30 hours of video can be seen below. We are currently working on overhauling the reading and writing sections to accommodate for the recent 2023 test changes, and will be launching that series by the end of July.

If you’re looking to use Tools4TestPrep in your own tutoring practice, call for a free consultation at 973-PIG-LARD (744-5273).